Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

The Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX): Optimizing Relationships for Team Development.

Discover the power of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX) in optimizing team development. Learn how personalized relationships, trust-building, and effective communication can foster growth and enhance organizational effectiveness. Explore practical steps to identify and bridge the gap with the Out-Group, provide growth opportunities, and overcome potential limitations. Unlock the potential of LMX to foster loyalty, engagement, and team success. Read now for valuable insights on strengthening leader-member relationships and achieving optimal team dynamics.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

Productivity Hacks: How to Become More Productive at Work and Have More Free Time

According to research, an average person is only productive for 3 hours out of 8 during their workday. So, If you're looking for ways to become more productive at work, you're in the right place. In this article, I will share some simple and effective productivity hacks that will help you get more done in less time. I'll also discuss how to improve your work-life balance and enjoy more free time outside the office. So, whether you're struggling with procrastination or want to find a way to squeeze more work into your day, I've got you covered!

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

How to build self-discipline and it’s importance in achieving success.

Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself, work hard and behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do. It is the ability to move forward with motivation and take action regardless of how you feel.

Self-discipline helps you to become more ambitious and have a strong work ethic. It allows you to stay persistent and become more resilient to any setbacks. It also keeps you accountable and focused on the goals ahead.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

How To Resolve Conflict In The Workplace - 7 Proven Strategies

Conflict at workplace is a natural and inevitable. It can arise from a clash of personalities, different agendas or simply a lack of communication. While conflict at work can be healthy and productive, if it's not managed effectively, it can cause tension, disharmony and even sabotage within teams. Conflict may be caused by people having different interests or having unclear responsibilities at work. Employees may think they put in more effort than others or have entirely different priorities.

In this blog we discuss how can you resolve conflict at workplace to benefit both individuals and the organisation?

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

How to make mental health at work a leadership priority.

Mental health at work is just as important as physical health. In fact, it's even more critical now because of how our lives have been affected by uncertainty in the last two years. The truth is that 1 in 6 people experience mental ill-health every month, and 45% of Australians will experience mental illness in their lifetime. It will be tough to predict what will happen in the coming years. In this article we discover some practical tips that leaders can use to make mental health at work a priority.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

Why emotional intelligence is key for success in leadership roles

Emotional intelligence is a essential quality for effective leadership. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to be self-aware and tune into the emotions of others. This allows them to manage their own emotions and respond effectively to the emotions of others. Leaders who are emotionally intelligent are able to create strong relationships, build trust, and inspire others. In the workplace, emotional intelligence can be a key component of leadership for successful in creating cohesive and productive teams. Furthermore, emotional intelligence can help leaders make better decisions. Overall, emotional intelligence is a critical quality for individuals in leadership roles. Those who are emotionally intelligent are more likely to be successful in achieving goals and inspiring others.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

The Top 10 Traits of a Good Leader You Should Be Aware Of

The primary function of a good leader is to serve others. A leader should be able to inspire others to achieve a common goal. Most people in organisations' so-called "leadership roles" are not good leaders. They may be excellent managers, but it takes a lot of hard work to become a good leaders.

A person with good leadership skills will have a few things in common. Here are the top 10 traits of a good leader that you should be aware of.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

4 overlapping components of Ikigai: Find your passion, mission, profession, or vocation

Apart from the 4 main components of ikigai, there are overlapping components too. These are your passion, mission, profession and vocation. To find your true ikigai, we must explore these 4 overlapping components in detail. A word of warning and reminder here that we are only talking about the more modern westernised concept of ikigai, which helps you find your ideal career and profession.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

Change your life now, find your Ikigai.

Ikigai, a centuries-old Japanese philosophy to a long and happy life. Though ikigai means finding the real purpose in your life which helps your longevity, the modern corporate world adapts the concept to find their ideal career or profession.

This blog will help with finding your ikigai to discover work-life balance, pursue your dream job and enjoy the social network at work and personal life.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

If accountability at work is a problem? Here's how to fix it

Accountability in the workplace is about setting expectations and making everyone responsible for their behaviour, actions, performance, and decisions. Accountability at work also means that employees take ownership of their jobs and empower others to do the same.

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Varun Sachdeva Varun Sachdeva

How to set goals – Practical guide and workbook

Before start setting goals, we need to do some reflection on why do we need to set the goals in the first place. Then look at what type of goal is it and then apply the SMART principle to set achievable and measurable specific goals.

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