How to build self-discipline and it’s importance in achieving success.

Self Discipline written on a wooden plank

Brian likes to wake up early to meditate. He's working at his new job and is already heading for promotion. He's efficient in his projects and completes them on or before the due date. He is also running a business on the side that brings in extra income and is on his way to completing his M.B.A.

I am sure you know someone like Brian. Someone who just seems to accomplish things in their careers and personal lives effortlessly. So, how can they do it and not others?

The simple answer is Self-Discipline. Self-discipline is one of the essential skills that you can develop in your life. When you have self-discipline, you are able to achieve your goals and dreams, despite any obstacles or challenges that may come your way. In this article, we will discuss what self-discipline is and how self-discipline can achieve your goals and ambitions.

What is Self-Discipline?

A man on top of the mountain pointing at the sun and a quote from Jim Whittaker that reads you can never conquer the mountain. you can only conquer yourself.

By definition, Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself, work hard and behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do. It is the ability to move forward with motivation and take action regardless of how you feel.

Self-discipline helps you to become more ambitious and have a strong work ethic. It allows you to stay persistent and become more resilient to any setbacks. It also keeps you accountable and focused on the goals ahead.

Self-discipline can come in different forms, including patience, restraint, endurance, decision-making, and following through on commitments. However, you recognize someone with self-discipline when you see someone just moving forward every day despite all the distractions and unfavourable odds.

Why is Self-Discipline important?

Practicing self-discipline has many professional and personal befits to your everyday life. Here are some of the benefits.

A chess pawn looking in the mirror but sees itself as the king and a quote reading I am the measure of my worth and I say I am worth it

1. Self-Esteem

Self-discipline is an important foundation for developing healthy self-esteem. It helps you build your overall personal worth or value. When you are able to control your impulses and make choices that align with your goals, you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. This, in turn, helps to boost your self-esteem and helps keep you motivated to continue making positive choices.

2. Productivity

A self-disciplined person can control their thoughts, emotions and actions to achieve their goals. This self-control allows them to stay focused and motivated, even when things are tough. As a result, self-disciplined people are often more productive than those who lack this trait.

3. Good Mental-health 

People who practice self-discipline are more likely to have good mental health because they are good at maintaining boundaries and resisting temptation. They feel in control of the situation and, as a result, feel less anxious and stressed. Self-discipline also helps you cope when things aren't going your way and come up with solution-focused ideas.

4. Higher rate of achieving your goals.

Self-discipline gives you the ability to stay focused on your goals. It helps you set parameters for yourself to follow through with your commitments. Self-disciplined people are usually more likely to achieve their goals because they can stick to their plans and goals. It also helps you stay organized and be persistent.

5. Motivated.

A man kicking IM out of impossible making it possible and a quote reading success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it.

Self Discipline keeps you motivated as it drives you to achieve your goals. You feel motivated to complete the task at hand because you can avoid distractions. Additionally, you feel rewarded when you achieve your goals, boosting your motivation to take on new challenges.

6. Feeling in Control.

Self-control helps you to delay gratification and avoid any unwanted behaviours. Being able to control your behaviours enables you to improve your willpower. When you practice self-discipline, you are also able to plan better, which helps you keep in control of yourself.

7. Overcome procrastination.

When you know your goals and have a clear vision of how you want to achieve your goals, you can avoid interruptions. Self-discipline helps you develop better habits and identify obstacles so that you can remain on target.

How to achieve Self-discipline?

1. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The acronym SMART Goals is a practical way to set your goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Using the SMART goals technique can keep you on target and motivated. This tool also helps you to draw your boundaries and a framework for success. Once you know what your SMART goals are, it becomes easy for you to plan your activities.

2. Appreciate challenge

Don't think of an activity negatively. We, humans, tend to always think of the worst-case scenario. However, our brains are also hardwired to avoid complex and challenging situations. You must not give in to these thoughts and always appreciate a challenge. Think of a challenge as an opportunity to learn something new rather than a hindrance. This mindset will help you become stronger both mentally and physically.

3. Stay in the present.

We have all been in situations where our jobs just don't interest us or challenge us enough. However, staying focused and being present is the key to self-discipline and being productive. Often things will be out of our control. Remember that you can only change what's happening right now. We cannot change the past and certainly not the future. So, think about productive ways that you can change things to achieve the best outcome. As you practice this skill, you will become better at staying in the present.

4. Problem Solve

Problem-solving and decision-making skills are present in everyone's professional and personal lives. People are usually afraid of problems and wish they didn't exist, or they may also try to avoid/blame someone or try and find a solution. Self-discipline helps you tackle problems with a solution-focused approach. You should weigh all your options equally and get input from others if you cannot solve the problem. However, over time when you practice self-discipline, you will be able to solve the problems better.

5. Remove distractions.

It can be tough to stay focused in a busy work environment. Minor distractions can seem harmless, but over time they affect your productivity. Where possible, stay focused on the task by dividing your tasks into smaller chunks. Keep away from social media and set boundaries with other people at work. Remember to take breaks, as it may help you re-energize and motivate when you return to the task at hand.

How to become a self-disciplined person?

Be kind written with wooden blocks with sky blue background and a quote that reads there are three ways to ultimate success: the first way is to be kind. the second way is to be kind. the third way is to be kind.

1. Be nice to yourself and others.

Treat yourself and others with respect. Self-discipline can be challenging as you try to give your undivided attention to a particular task. Accept that you will have a few distractions and roadblocks. It could be because of you or others in your team. However, being patient is the key. If you show respect to yourself and others, people will automatically be motivated to help you achieve your goals. You also need to believe in yourself. Talk positively about yourself and others. Limit the negativity and trust in the process.

2. Align your motivations.

Setting goals and taking action is the most important part of self-discipline. Often we start working on a goal, and we end up changing directions midway. Remember the reason why you want to be self-disciplined and regularly check if you are working towards it. Define your objectives and purpose clearly. You should also understand your strengths and weaknesses. Where possible, have an accountability partner.

3. You are only Human.

Everyone wants to do their best, whether at work on in their personal lives. You should always strive to be the best version of yourself. However, don't get caught up trying to be perfect in everything you do. Trying to achieve perfection can have some long-term mental health issues. Try and be more aware of your tendencies and allow yourself to make mistakes. Set realistic goals and focus on your health while practicing self-discipline.

4. Do what makes you happy.

If you want to stay positive, do the things that make you happy. For some, it could be using the skills they are good at, and for others, it could be working on what they are passionate about. When practicing self-discipline, find time to take regular breaks away from your work. Take charge of your personal development and receive regular feedback. Also, try not to over-commit as it can lead to burnout. Make friends with encouraging people who share the same passion as you.

5. Healthy habits

We all want to stay healthy and have good habits. However, we often ignore our health because of the busy work-life imbalance. Healthy habits are not only about your physical health but also include your overall positive habits. At work, try and move around and focus on your posture while you are working. You may want to avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks and drink more water. Focus on healthy socialization at work and take regular short breaks. Organize your office space for more productivity.

6. Celebrate wins

Celebrating wins is crucial because it helps you get excited about your achievements and stay motivated. It is also a great way to boost your and your team's morale and gives you something to look forward to. If you are a leader, take your team out for lunch or praise your team members for their contributions. If you are celebrating your own win, send thank you notes to people who helped you along the way. You may even want to treat yourself to something you've been looking forward to.

7. Improve your company.

You tend to become the same person as the people you hang out with. If you want to achieve success, then surround yourself with people who inspire you and challenge you. You must let go of anyone who is constantly negative around you and become friends with people who are positive thinkers. You will need to get out of your comfort zone to find people like these, but it's all worth it in the end. Always look up to people who are more intelligent than you because they will inspire you to achieve your goals.


Simply put, self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help boost productivity levels. If you want to be more productive, focus on developing your self-discipline. Start by setting small goals and following through with them. With time and practice, you will develop the self-discipline needed to reach your most significant objectives.

There are many ways in which self-discipline can help with productivity. For instance, self-disciplined people are less likely to procrastinate or distracted by irrelevant tasks. They are also more likely to stick to a plan or schedule and to persevere when things get complicated. In addition, self-discipline often leads to better decision-making, as self-disciplined people are more likely to think through their choices before acting.


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