How to Prepare for a job interview – Top 5 tips

Successful job interview

So, your resume and your cover letter were good enough to secure you an interview, and now you need to do some homework before you sit in front of the hiring manager.

The worst thing you can do is to rock up at an interview without any preparation because the hiring manager will pick up that within the first few questions. So, I suggest that you start the groundwork at least three days before your interview is due. Here are some tips.

  1. Company research

    I know this is a no-brainer, but most candidates fail to conduct comprehensive company research. Check out their website and read any news articles about the company and the industry to equip yourself with enough knowledge. In addition to that, have a look at their social media pages. This will give you an idea of their values and culture.

  2. Read your resume

    Now that you know a little more about the company, it’s time to read your resume and see how you fit in the job role you applied for. Make sure to tailor your responses on the bases of the job description. Have a few different responses ready because the hiring managers can ask you the same questions in different ways.

  3. Practice

    Practice talking in front of a mirror and notice subtle changes in your body language. Rehearse your answers with an open and confident body language. Make eye contact and start your interview with a firm handshake.

  4. Dress to impress

    Decide what to wear a night before your meeting. Make sure your clothes are clean and neatly ironed. A little colour and vibrancy can make a difference. Select a sophisticated tie or a scarf to stand out just enough to be remembered.

  5. Logistical stuff

    Plan your trip to the place of interview and give yourself enough buffer time especially if you are taking public transport. Print your resume the night before and arrange the folder with all the relevant work experience documents. Avoid alcohol the night before and have a good night’s sleep.

Pro Tip

Give yourself a final check over before the interview. Tidy your clothes and hair. Put your phone on flight mode, take a few deep breaths and greet the hiring manager with your name and don’t forget to smile!

You’ve got this!

Download the workbook to prepare for the most epic interview.

Note: This blog was initially written by me in 2018 on LinkedIn but the content is still valid today.


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