How to lead a team for a new team leader? Top 5 Tips

So, you’ve just become a team leader. Great! Congratulations, now what?

Simply having a responsibility to manage a team doesn’t make you a good team leader. Becoming a new team leader can be a daunting task. Not only you are expected to nail the first few months with confidence, but you also have to set up your team for long-term success. To become a good team leader, you need to genuinely sharpen your saw and learn the skills that will help you in your leadership journey.

Here are my top 5 tips that will help you with this transition.

Build Rapport 

If you wish to quickly establish a trusting environment between you and your team, you must build a rapport with them. The goal here is to create a meaningful relationship with your team. Don’t worry; you don’t have to go out for drinks or be best friends with your team. In fact, setting up little boundaries will help build your rapport but more on that later.

Things you can do to help build rapport

  1. Give genuine one-on-one time to each member.

  2. Be clear and precise about your expectations.

  3. Listen to them and be quick to take action when needed.

  4. Talk about developing your team and not just yourself.

  5. Empower your team, and for god’s sake, do not micromanage.

Make time for your team.

It’s easy to get preoccupied with meetings and planning etc., and we can easily forget that our primary role is to “lead a team”. I mean, I get it as a team leader; you may be asked to prepare reports, have a look at the budget and plan for the upcoming busy period etc. but being there when your team needs you the most will make you credible in their eyes. Put your team’s needs first, and they will carry you forward.  

“Walk the walk.”

This is about being a role model for your team. Your team is closely observing everything you do. So, if you want to set things right, it starts with you. Your standards for what you expect from your team are established by your values, attitude, and behaviour. If you want your team to provide exceptional service, you need to deliver that level of service too. Your actions will have more impact on the team than the policies and procedures set by you or your organisation.

Be curious

Chances are you’ve been put into this position because you are a subject matter expert. Your knowledge and skill have earned you a spot to lead a team. However, your knowledge can be a curse if you aren’t careful. As a leader, always ask questions from your team. Your team may end up coming up with a better idea to perform a task if they are given a chance.

Moreover, asking questions may give you another perspective. Ask questions such as “What do you think?”, “How can this be done better” or “Who will be the best person for the job.”

Empower your team

Well, we all know that employees with low levels of empowerment perform a lot worse than those who do. Empowerment is not like a magic pill that you give to your employees, and they will start respecting you. It is a set of things you need to do. Some of those things are:

  1. Give the right authority to your team.

  2. Cultivating positivity within the team.

  3. Recognising and rewarding your employees.

  4. Develop knowledge and skill of your team.

There you have it, my top 5 tips for you to lead your team. But it doesn’t just stop here. As a new team leader, you will be constantly learning new things. It’s time to get cracking.

If you would like to evaluate yourself on your leadership then download this free self-evaluation leadership guide.


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