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The Top 10 Traits of a Good Leader You Should Be Aware Of

The primary function of a good leader is to serve others. A leader should be able to inspire others to achieve a common goal. Most people in organisations' so-called "leadership roles" are not good leaders. They may be excellent managers, but it takes a lot of hard work to become a good leaders.

A person with good leadership skills will have a few things in common. Here are the top 10 traits of a good leader that you should be aware of.



A confident leader can have a significant impact on the functioning of their teams. Usually, a confidant leader will not only look after their own wellbeing but also the wellbeing of their teams and people around them.

Confident leaders can solve complex problems without stress and are not shy of difficult conversations.

No one likes conflict, but confident team leaders understand the need to have these conversations because they believe in themselves and their values.

Conversely, a leader who lacks confidence may second guess themselves and think they don't have the skills to tackle an issue.

Confident team leaders understand that they may not always have the correct answers and accept that fact. They also don't feel the need to know everything, but they know how to get answers from their teams.

They are not afraid to make the wrong decision, and if they do make a bad one, they are not scared to accept it.



Optimistic team leaders are always focused on the positive aspects of the situation. They look at an opportunity rather than an obstacle. They understand what motivates them and their teams.

Research shows that a positive attitude is likely to be directly related to how successful you will be as a team leader and lead a happier and healthier team.

A positive leader will not allow others to bring them down in difficult times. However, they will find a way out and help carry others at the same time.

If you want to learn more about Optimism and how it can help you become a great team leader, then read the book called Learned Optimism: How to change your mind and your life by Martin E.P. Seligman



A good leader will be personally accountable and accept responsibility for the situations they are involved in. They will accept the outcome regardless of if it's negative or positive. They don't shift the blame when things don't go to the plan. Instead, they find the solution to fix the problem.

A good leader will not only be accountable for their own actions but the actions of their teams.

Leaders also help develop a culture where people can trust each other because of accountability. People also trust accountable leaders because they know they will keep their word. Accountability also helps in saving time and cost as teams focus on finding a solution and not shifting blame.



“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”

– Dwight D. Eisenhower

Integrity is a key component of leadership and one of the most essential traits of a good leader. To create a productive and positive work environment, a leader must act with integrity. It is the foundation of trust and confidence, and it is the glue that holds teams together. Leaders who are honest, fair, and trustworthy are more likely to be successful. 

Integrity is about doing the right thing, no matter what. It is about being honest, truthful and treating others how you want to be treated. It is about upholding our commitments, even when it is difficult. Integrity is a personal virtue, and it is also a fundamental value of organisations.

Leaders who value integrity will be able to set a good example. They model integrity by demonstrating it themselves and will encourage it in others by setting high standards and demonstrating consistency in the team's actions.



Courage is what separates a good leader from a good manager. It takes courage to be a leader and even more courage to be a leader when things are tough. A good leader can stand up to complex challenges and stay the course even when things go wrong.

There are many different types of courage, but one of the most important is the courage of conviction. A good leader can stand up for what they believe in, even when it is unpopular. Leaders who can stay true to their beliefs can often get their followers to follow them.

Another type of courage essential for leaders is the courage of execution. A good leader can take risks and make decisions even when unsure of the outcome.

A good leader won't feel uncomfortable in conflicting situations, but they will be able to convey their views clearly. When managed well by the leaders, a healthy conflict at work can help promote collaboration and teamwork.



Respect is an important quality in any leader. It is the foundation upon which trust and cooperation can be built. A leader who lacks respect for others will find it challenging to develop a strong team.

When a leader respects others, they show that they understand their needs and are willing to work towards a common goal. Leaders who lack respect often act based on their own interests rather than the needs of their team. This can cause tension and conflict within the group.

A good leader must respect their team members regardless of their rank or position. This demonstrates that the leader is committed to building a solid team. Leaders who respect their team members will achieve their goals more quickly.

Respect comes from both ways. A leader who respects their team will get the care back. One-way leaders show respect is by learning and listening to their teams. They try and be transparent and welcome feedback where possible.



Leadership is not only about getting people to do what you want them to do. It is also about understanding yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. Leaders who are self-aware understand their own motivations and how those motivations impact their abilities to lead. They also know their limitations, and they can compensate for them.

 Self-awareness also comes from being aware of the people around you. Leaders should be observant and constantly ask themselves how their decisions and actions impact their team. Through self-reflection, leaders can become more conscious of their performance and come up with suggestions for improving those around them.

A good leader spends time on their emotional intelligence: self-awareness and self-regulation. Self-awareness allows them to understand their emotions, values, goals and how they react in different situations.



Humour in leadership make the teams happier. When a leader uses humour in their leadership style, it strengthens bonds, boosts their likeability, and enhances the job satisfaction of their team. Humour also helps everyone enjoy their work more by minimising status distinctions and easing tensions.

A good leader uses humour so that they can become more memorable. A good sense of humour is directly related to the impression leaders have on their team. Teams usually remember leaders with a good sense of humour because they remember the moments of happiness shared with the leader.

According to research based on social behaviour and personality, leaders who show a good sense of humour are 27% more admirable and motivating than those who don't. Their teams are twice as likely to solve a critical problem and are 15% more engaged.



According to a study, every leader spends 70 to 90 per cent of their time communicating with their teams and others at work. A leader's communication skill inspires and motivates their teams to achieve organisational goals.

A good leader is one who takes charge, encourages and stimulates others. They have the ability to convince others to follow them. A leader must be able to control a conflict and get their teams behind them. All that is impossible if a leader doesn't have good communication skills.

A leader with good communication skills will be able to develop better understanding and belief amongst their teams. Good communication skills also include good listening skills and observing others. It helps them analyse others' behaviour, attitude, values, and ideals. Good communicators also understand the use of both formal and informal communication.   



Empathy has always been regarded as one of a leader's most critical skills. Put simply, empathy is understanding others' feelings. It is the ability to sense someone's emotion and understand what they might be thinking and feeling.

A good leader is not only concerned with the KPIs but also the emotional impact of the job. Empathetic Leaders can put themselves in their followers' shoes and understand their motivations and feelings. They are also able to work with their followers and recognise their needs.

This ability to empathise helps leaders to understand their followers and to build relationships of trust and respect. It also enables leaders to identify and solve problems together.

Empathetic leaders are more approachable and involve others in conversations. They are flexible and make the employees taken care of. They also set a good example and focus on the overall wellbeing of their teams.